Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Day I results

I jumped on the scale this morning and to my pleasant surprise, I was already down 4 pounds. Of course burning over 1200 calories just from running yesterday certainly helped. I was still surprised at how much energy I still had.

This morning I got up at 4:30 to prepare for my early morning trail run. As I did with my previous detox, I did not alter my pre-run routine. That meant having a cup of tea and 1/2 banana. Never have I enjoyed the taste of a banana so much (LOL). I met up with my friend at 5:45 and both of were wearing our headlamps. It was quite interesting running in the dark at the best of times but throw in the ice, the fallen trees, stumps and rocks and you have the makings for a great adventure. It wasn't until we got to about the half-way mark, that the sun started to rise. I've spoken about the beauty of seeing the sun rise in the trails but it's something you have to experience to truly appreciate how magnificent it is.

Running on very little fuel, I was surprised that I was able to do as well as I did but it just goes to show you how much reserve we really have. If I can avoid eating before a run, which requires food, why should I want to eat when I'm sitting on the couch expending very little energy? It's something that we are all capable of doing and it really comes down to keeping yourself busy.

Now, on to Day II!

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