Thursday, July 12, 2007

"Learn to changed my life maybe it will change yours too!"

Yesterday I did a nutrition talk for the learn to run clinic at the Pickering Running Room.
As I look back at how I started my running "career" it always fascinates me because I did so many things backwards. For example, I completed my first 25K trail race before doing a 5K or 10K race. I never had the benefit of doing a learn to run clinic and my mechanics probably suffered as a result. I had didn't know what kind of shoes/clothes I should wear. I did know, thanks to the woman who introduced running to me, that I was a "runner" and NOT a "jogger." Beyond that, though, I was very naive when it came to running.

The learn to run clinic is a great place to introduce yourself to the sport of running. I was lucky enough to teach a learn to run clinic last year. The clinic takes you from running 1 minute at a time up to 10 minutes. This gentle introduction to running helps to prevent injuries and the emphasis they place on "fun" is something that can't be overstated. When I was at the Running Room last night, I ran into several of the members from that clinic. It was great to see them still running one year later. Not all the members from that clinic are still running, but the ones who are really seem to have embraced the sport. Some even thanked me for helping to inspire them which is nice to hear.

During my run today, I thought about all the people that were in that clinic and I wondered how each of them were doing. I hoped that the ones who were still running were getting the same excitement that I get each time I go for a run.

1 comment:

gorillamask said...

I was so impressed with your talk on that Wednesday evening. I was the woman who approached you at the end of your talk to ask you about possibly taking on my husband as a client. He was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes last summer at the age of 35! He has always been carried weight around his middle. As a result of his high-pressure job which involves a tremendous amount of travel, constant wining and dining of potential clients, his health has suffered tremendously. He no longer has time to exercise and has become deeply depressed. He sees no out from this downward spiral of his battle with food and weight. How do you get such an individual to see that it is possible to make positive lifestyle changes?