Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Create your own "bucket list"

I recently watched the movie the Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. The story is about two men who are dying from cancer and they decide to create a list of things they want to do before they die. This included climbing to the top of a mountain peak, skydiving and riding a fast car.

After the movie I thought about my own list and also thought about what Dan Millman says in his book the Peaceful Warrior. We all have a terminal illness, it's called birth. I have my own list of things that I want to do and at the top of it is running an ultra marathon (minimum 50K, maximum 50 miles) on every continent. It is a lofty goal that's for sure but it's something that I know I can achieve.

My attempt at trying to sleep in this morning met with mixed results. I was able to sleep until 6:30 but that's about it. I hit the road for an 11 mile run at 8:00 AM. It was nice not having to worry about too man cars on the road as most people I assume were sleeping. I'm sure I must have woke up some of them with my singning during my run (LOL).

I hope your Canada Day includes some kind of exercise, it's probably the best way to honour one of our most beloved heroes, Terry Fox. Everytime I think that I can't complete a run, I think about people like Terry and how he was able to accomplish what he did on one leg. Suddenly my aches and pains don't seem as bothersome anymore.

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