Friday, November 16, 2007

Visualize your dreams

During my run this morning I kept thinking back to races that I've done in the past. As I was running down Westney Road I was thinking back to the Marathon I did in Jacksonville and as I climbed the hill from Hwy2 and Harwood to Salem Road I was thinking of the many hills I used to climb during my training for the Mississauga Marathon. Every step today made me think back to different races that I've done in the past 2.5 years.

Then I started to think ahead to my upcoming race next weekend. Because I've done that race and route a few times, I'm quite familiar with it and that will help come race day. I was remembering different parts of that race and where I was able to speed up in some areas and slow down in others.

Just as I try to visualize my upcoming race, it's important for you to visualize what your goals are. This will keep you focused and will allow you to conceptualize a plan that will make your goals become attainable. You really need to look into the future to see what your finished product will look like. Some of my clients keep pictures of themselves from years ago to help motivate them. Others purposely buy clothes that are 2 sizes too small and keep them as a reminder of what they want to fit into.

When I look at my upcoming race, part of what is motivating me is the fact that my kids will be there cheering me on. I know that when I see them I'll get an emotional burst and that will carry me to the end of the race. When you have long races, or long goals, it's important to have milestones which you can mark along the way. Breaking your ultimate goal into smaller goals can give you the confidence to continue in your pursuit of what you want.

I'm going to take at least one and possibly two days off and then use next week as a "mini taper" to get ready for the race next weekend. As stubborn as I am, I know that the only way that my Plantar Fasciitis will heal is by giving it some rest so that's what I'm hoping to do.

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