Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Take control of your greatest asset.....YOU

There are so many reasons not to choose to live a healthier lifestyle, and it's so easy to say, "I'll start changing my life tomorrow." For many people, however, tomorrow never comes.

We are influenced by so many negative things in our life such as dealing with colleagues at work, family members who not supportive and disappointments or feeling that we are being treated unfairly at work/home. This has a cumulative effect on our mental psyche and at times the stress can feel overwhelming. I'm sure the last thing that many people think about during these times is exercise and eating healthy.

I have yet to encounter a totally "stress" free day and yet I know that my stress is controlled somewhat by how I'm feeling about myself. For me, running releases any negative stress that I've been carrying. It's almost as if I'm leaving those negative thoughts on the side of the road as I'm running.

This is not to say that when I return from my run that everything is rosey. Running does allow me to think clearer, though, and I find it easier to put things into perspective. Whenever I get bad news, going for a run is the first thing that pops into my mind. It has become my therapy and I know that there are people who share this same philosophy so it helps to know that I'm not alone.

Many people try to take control of everything else in their life but sometimes forget about taking care of themselves first. This doesn't mean you have to become self-centered but the reality is, if you don't take of you who will? When you analyze the factors that are preventing you from achieving your goals, the common denominator is always the person looking back at you in the mirror.

I talk with my clients about creating a positive cycle of energy and that starts with how they are feeling about themselves. Instead of worrying about factors that we have no control over, why not take control of what you can first? It would be nice if what you do has a trickle down effect on those around you, as this can help to keep you on track. It shouldn't be your main motivation though. We all have an inner strength that must be unleashed and once it is, you will realize that the only person that was holding you back all these years was you.

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