Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Other runners seem to bring out the best in me!

I'm sure if I had it my way I would convince the whole world to start running. I'm convinced that we'd all be a much happier people that way.

Yesterday I shared a good conversation with a fellow runner. She has been running for over 20 years and during our conversation I could tell that she knew how much running meant to me. When she said that I have the perfect body for a runner I almost hit the floor. It's something that I don't really think about but it's something that others have said to me in the past. It was a great compliment and obviously made my day.

She mentioned how she had the same enthusiasm that I had and it was nice talking to someone who has the same passion as I do. People who have never experienced running really will never truly understand what happens both internally and externally during a run. I find that nothing else holds my interest the same way that running does which I guess could be considered a blessing or a curse. In the past, it seemed that I could easily sit on the couch and just vegetate for hours on end. Since I started running I have a harder time sitting still, unless it's to watch a Seinfeld re-run.

When we talked about my upcoming race she understood the time committment needed and how difficult it is to find the time to train. I explained to her that when something is a priority in your life you find the time and I could tell that she knew what I was talking about.

People will often comment about the sacrifices I have to make in order to do what I do. My comment to them is that running is my entertainment. If that means not staying out late the night before a run or watching my diet the night before a long run then that's the way it has be. In my case I wouldn't call it making a sacrifice, I would call it making a choice and I'm happy with the choices I'm making.

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