Monday, December 10, 2007

Taking two steps back to take one giant leap forward

Since I started running my biggest dilema is how much should I run. I honestly think that I could run every single day for the rest of my life if it were up to me. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look it, my body tells me otherwise and I eventually run less than I'd like to.

Without fail, everytime I take a day off from running I'll see someone running on the streets and immediately feel like I should be out there. The guilt about not running can be tough to overcome for me and all I can do is look forward to is my next run. I tend to map out my week in terms of what days/times I'll be running and the distance I'd like to run. Some people would say that my priorities are distorted but I know that personally if I don't run it has a negative trickle down effect on other aspects of my life.

As I begin to train for my 50 Mile race in the spring I'll need to be even more disciplined with my running. Running for speed will be replaced with running for time out on the road/trails. I haven't been able to do the distance that I'd like for the past two weekends so this week I'm going to ensure that I get in a run of at least 2 hours once and possibly twice this weekend.

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