Saturday, December 08, 2007

How "big" is your shadow?

One of the best things about running at 5AM, besides not having to worry about too much traffic, is that at the beginning of my run I seem to cast not one but two shadows. As I run down Church street and just before I head East on Rossland, I always see two shadows. I'm sure there is a logical explanation for this but I tend to see things more philosophical than others I think.

Whenever my clients start to "get" the message I'm trying to teach them with regards to nutrition it makes me feel like I have done my job. I'm lucky that I get to help so many people achieve their goals and because I follow the same plan myself, it's easy to talk with my clients about their struggles and how to overcome them.

My "shadow" then is quite large and I take great pride in the fact that I can be a positive influence on so many people. I'm sure that many of my clients are in turn helping others which is also something that I'm happy about. We have a chance to influence so many people by simply starting with trying to make small changes within our own lives. You never know when your positive "aura" will motivate someone to begin to make healthier eating choices. That's the benefit of surrounding yourself with positive people.

I told my oldest son this week that I do whatever I can to avoid negative people because they are trying to unload their negativity on me directly or indirectly. Misery certainly does love company and I told him to seek out people who are trying to make positive and healthy choices in their lives. I'm sure like any 9 year old the message will be lost somewhere but I'm hoping that he grasps a little bit of what I'm talking about.

You never know how big your shadow is and how many people you can influence so try your best to stay positive, you'll be amazed at how many positive people you will attract as a result.

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