Monday, December 17, 2007

Getting better at taking it easy

Yesterday, because of the weather, I didn't get a chance to run. In anticipation of that I did 2 runs on Saturday so Sunday was going to be a "bonus" day. If I made it out great but if not I wasn't going to get too upset about it. Similarly, as the snow is melting outside right now, I am tempted to go for an afternoon run. However, I'll take another day off and get ready for my run tomorrow morning with Ken. I decided to ride the stationary bike for an hour instead.

Each week or two, I've started to increase my weekly mileage and I think that's the best way for me to prepare for my race. It will be unlikely that I'll be able to get my long runs in every week so that will mean going out twice on some daysc and taking more days off.

I have even come to the realization that I MAY have to do some of my runs on the dreaded treadmill. IF that day comes you'll know about it as I'll be complaining the whole time. I can't remember the last time I actually had to do a run on the treadmill instead of going outside but I may have no choice in the upcoming months.

As I get wiser with regards to my running, I've learned to relax more and take a day off here and there to rest. In the past I used to count down the minutes until my next run and while I haven't lost any of my passion for running, I've learned that taking some time off to rest is better than feeding my obsession from time to time.

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