Sunday, October 07, 2007

Thanksgiving tips

Thanksgiving can be a difficult time for those trying to stay on a healthy eating plan. This can be especially true if you are travelling to a friend/families house where your food choices are limited. What you have to remember is that your goal shouldn't be to deprive yourself of the things you want. If you do this then eventually you may actually create a situation down the road which is even worse.

Try to remember what your "typical" eating pattern is like during Thanksgiving. Now try and do a little better this time. If you usually have 2 pieces of pumpkin pie then try to only have 1 this year.

You can enjoy the holiday without go overboard with regards to your eating. If you are really worried about you eating then one of the best things to do is to have a protein shake one hour before leaving for your Thanksgiving dinner. Protein, and specifically protein powder, will help to keep your blood sugars from dropping too low and as a result you won't be craving those sweets. Don't make the mistake of not eating up until you have your dinner as you will drop your blood sugars too low and then when dinner comes you may find yourself eating too much stuffing etc.

Most of all have a happy Thanksgiving and whatever choices you make don't beat yourself about it. Just get back on track as soon as possible....remember Christmas is only 11 weeks away!

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