Friday, September 21, 2007

Building your weight loss support network

Tonight I am holding a nutrition seminar on the important role the family plays in helping an individual achieve their weight loss goals. I decided to hold this seminar after having a conversation with one of my clients who was struggling with her goals of losing weight. After looking at her home life she realized that her family was not being as supportive as she had wanted. She followed her healthy eating guidelines well during the time she was at work, but when she returned home, her family was not on the same "page" as she was. This caused constant friction at her house. I finally convinced her to have a family meeting about this and it has helped her to stay on track. Here are some other things that might help:

• Enlist your friends and family to be your weight loss cheerleaders. Hint that you'd certainly appreciate a boost of encouragement every now and again. Let them know how much you relish their support when they help keep you motivated.
• Designate certain areas of the house a "no-eating zones" and stick to it.

These areas are for you to perform activities like paying bills or planning menus, which you may normally have done at the kitchen table... where temptation is always just in your reach!

• Make a weight chart and put it in a centralized location so everyone can see your excellent progress. Celebrate together with friends and family in a non-food-involving way when you reach a milestone.
• Save a "rainy day" fund by putting away a certain amount of money for every pound you lose. Start making plans for the fun you will all have together when you use the cash for a family activity.
• Have a family meeting about the guidelines of your diet and your plans for your lifestyle change. Discuss how everyone can help you meet your goals. Try to pin-point problem areas before they throw you for a loop. For example, make sure Dad plans to take the kids out for their Friday night ice cream parlor for the time being.
• Clean out the cupboards and designate one shelf as just yours. Put all your specialty or diet items within easy reach. It will be your "safe" shelf. Make a rule that all the junk food must be stored somewhere else!
• Don't be shy! Share your success with friends and family. When you hit a target, let everyone know it. Let them see how enthusiastic and happy you are to be accomplishing your goals. By sharing in your joy, they will see how important this is to you and will therefore be even more likely to support you.
• Make any family function a healthier to-do by pre-preparing entrees or side dishes that are on your diet plan. If nothing else in the host's spread is acceptable, you'll have a "back-up" meal.
• Plan family meals well ahead of time so you know your menu includes something for the little ones or your finicky spouse in case they don't enjoy your "rabbit food".
• Ask the friends and family who you regularly dine with to help keep temptation at bay by not offering you foods off your diet plan... no matter how many times you've been caught staring at that slice of pepperoni pizza your hubby's eating!

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