Friday, June 01, 2007

Your passion "candle" will only grow brighter over time!

Today during my 10K run I thought about the last 2 years and how my life has changed so much. In that span I have left a job, got separated and discovered a new passion called running.
I thought about the many friends I've made along the way and how truly lucky I am to have not just friends but really close friends who I can lean on and who know that they can lean on me when they need to.
I feel that I have not only embraced the sport of running but that I try to spread the gospel whenever and wherever I can. I've taught a learn to run clinic and have convinced more than a dozen people to try a running clinic or even just to go out and run.

The more I run, the more I feel that I am not only helping myself but also helping others as well. I honestly never thought that when I started running I would have people actually looking up to me and asking me questions about running.
When you have a passion though, and most people know that mine is running, it becomes natural to just to want to talk about it. Most people understand that when I start to talk about running it is something that I enjoy doing. There are only a few close friends though, who really understand what running means to me and I'm thankful for that.

Whatever your passion is, and hopefully it is something that is healthy, I hope you treat it as a special gift. Some people go through their whole lives wondering what their passion is and sadly, some never find it. If I hadn't been open to the idea of running 2 years ago I never would have discovered that I had this passion for running. I used to hate running and never quite understood why people would do this type of activity. Keeping an open mind allowed me to at least try this new activity. Exposing yourself to many different activities is the key to helping you discover what activity truly makes you happy. If going to they gym is something you do but really don't "enjoy" it, then look for something else.

You need to find something that you love doing and not only look forward to but something that you will make time to do for yourself. I hear too many clients complaining about the fact that they have busy schedules and no time for exercise. When I sit down with them and go over their schedules, I show them where they can fit in at least 1 hour of exercise per day. Most will at least give it a try but the ones who have the most success with losing and keeping their weight off are the ones who make it a priority in their lives.
Just remember that like a tornado that gathers power as it goes along, your passion will grow larger and larger with each passing day.
Good luck finding yours!

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