Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My last run this week

This mornings run (10K) was my last until the 50K race on Saturday. I kept thinking about how I didn't want today's run to end but also told myself that I needed to rest to get ready for Saturday.

On my run today my Garmin's strap came undone as the pin that was holding the strap snapped off. I ended up running the last 3 KM's not knowing how fast or how far I was going. Maybe that was a sign from the Running Gods for me not to worry too much about time/pace etc. and just run. It's funny how routine oriented I've become with regards to my running. I find it very difficult to run without my Garmin and my music. If either one of these isn't operational, I find it hard to keep motivated.

I'll take the next few days off, reluctantly, and try and get some rest. Perhaps I'll read one of my many books on running or watch an inspirational movie or two. Some of my favorites include Remember the Titans, Rudy and Rocky.

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