Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happiness is not given to us it must be earned

If I've learned anything throughout my 41 years on this planet it's that as much as I want to wish for something to happen it really isn't going to happen unless I make it happen. That goes for all aspects of my life whether that's relationships with my kids, financial issues or my running goals. How much time do we waste each day wishing instead of doing? It's something that I'm getting better at because I understand how precious time is and how we must live every moment in the present instead of thinking about the past or future. While I think we can learn from our past and use it to build up our strength, there is more to be learned if we look at our lives in present.

Today I did my first floating fartlek run. This was an intense run where I ran at a slow pace for 3 minutes and then did a 1 minute sprint. I did 4 sets of these and ran a total of 6 miles. The run brought back so many good memories of when I was training in the winter of 2006 for the 2007 Mississauga marathon. I'm on a mission and I won't let anything get in my way. This requires some mental discipline and that is something that I thrive on. Whatever your goals are, keep them close to your heart and don't let anyone or anything invade that positive space.

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