Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Marathon Week preparations begin!

I've been so pumped about my race on Saturday that it has taken some of the pressure off my upcoming initial marathon on Sunday.
I took Sunday off from any training but ran a soft 8K on Monday and a medium paced 9.5 K this morning (Thanks Cass and Nancy for joining me).
Tomorrow morning I will be doing a light run of hopefully 10K and this will be my last run before Sunday. I'm looking forward to running with the person who inspired me to take up running in the first place (Thanks Angie).
To me, this week has been all about reflections. It has given me a chance to look back on my life in the past year and give thanks for the many people who I've met that have inspired and motivated me during a rather tough time in my life.
It has also made me appreciate WHY I began running in the first place and that was to have FUN and meet new people. We all have different goals and reasons for why we have them but I firmly believe that as we get closer to reaching our goals, we should remember that there are so many people that have helped us along the way.
My diet this week has been heavy on the carbohydrates and low in fat and protein. I'm trying to build up my energy bank (glycogen) so I don't have to rely on insufficient forms of energy (fat) for a fuel. The carb loading phase will begin on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Although this may sound appealing, in reality there are only a few carbs that I will allow myself to have (potatoes, pasta, bagels) and after awhile it tends to get boring. The other hard part for me will be not running for 3 consecutive days. Even though I know it will benefit me come race day, the great weather is making it hard not to run.

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