Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday May 12.06 - 2 nights to go!

I have to say that today has been the most stressful day so far with regards to my Marathon week. I've been having doubts about my ability to finish the race. I also have been eating so many carbohydrates that I'm ready to explode at any minute. If I see another bagel anytime soon.............
Couple that with the fact that I've decided not to do anything physically active for the next two days and you can see why I'm itching to get this race underway.
Since my last run on Wednesday morning I've done about 1 hour of cardio on my stationary bike. I was going to workout today but after thinking it over I decided that rest is the better option. This will allow my body to build up my Glycogen reserves so that come race day I'll have a good supply of energy. Between now and then I'll be drinking about 4Ltr's of water per day and roughly 240 grams of carbohyrates mostly coming from pasta, potatoes and bagels. My protein intake has been moderate and peanut butter is the only fat that I'm taking in right now. I've eliminated all fibre from my diet so I can avoid any gastrointestinal problems.
Now all I have to do is fight boredom!

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