Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Creating a healthy atmosphere is so important

I went for my first run of the week today. It was a nice 7 Mile run through the streets of Ajax and my plan called for an easy run. About mid-way through, though, I decided to do a little bit of speed work. It was a nice feeling and I was surprised at how much energy I had even though I had just finished a race 2 days ago.

Even though my training plan does not call for running an Ultra, it was important for me to surround myself with my friends and that was one of the main reasons why I did the race on Saturday. The friends I have made since I started running are irreplaceable and they have so much information to share with me that I feel like a kid in kindergarten class hanging on every word that the teacher has to stay. They have positively influenced my life and having those kinds of people in my life is crucial for me. It allows me to stay focused on my training even when things get tough.

Last week I had a nutrition session with two women, one was my client and the other was a friend. Throughout the whole session the friend of the woman kept putting down my client and was telling her that she couldn’t do what I was asking her to do. I made sure I kept as little eye contact on that woman as possible and pretended like she wasn’t there. When I saw my client the following week I specifically asked her not to bring that woman to my session ever again. I also asked her how she felt about the woman. She started to realize just how damaging a negative person can be.

I firmly believe that we all wear an “aura” around us and that it is either positive or negative. My advice, seek out the positive ones and run like hell away from the negative ones. Ask yourself if a true “friend” would spend more time discouraging you or encouraging you? Are they supportive or jealous of your success? Do they fit into your new lifestyle or are they part of a lifestyle that you no longer find appealing? If you can honestly answer these questions, you will find out who your true friends really are.

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