Monday, April 24, 2006

Marathon training update April 24.06

This past weekend was the first time in my brief running career that I didn't run. After doing 16K in the Seaton trail on Friday I decided to take Saturday off and was going to do 30K on Sunday. However, the bleak weather and sore knees, ankles from running in the trails, seemed to affect my enthusiasm as I decided against doing my long run on Sunday.
I realized how quickly it is to get into a "funk" with regards to training and this can also happen when it comes to following a new way of eating. Over the weekend I had to fight the urge to keep myself motivated and this time I lost the battle. I'm sure I needed the extra rest but when you are on a "schedule" and get sidetracked, it's hard to justify why you didn't run/train or eat properly.
Instead of looking back, though, I decided to start the week off right by hitting the road once again. I told myself that I was going to run today NO MATTER WHAT and I ended up having fairly good 11K run in the middle of the afternoon. Those first few kilometers, though, were very hard and it would have been easy to turn around and quit. It's during these times that you must be strong enough within yourself to keep going. I used plenty of visualization during my run to keep myself from quitting and at the end I was glad I was able to complete my running goal.
The Mississauga Marathon is 3 weeks away so these are the weeks that are the toughest. I feel ready but I'm sure I'll be having these mini battles, with regards to motivation, up until race weekend.

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