Wednesday, January 18, 2006

How to keep yourself motivated through those tough times

Now that you have made the commitment to a healthy lifestyle it is important to have "mini goals" to keep you focused. When I talk to my clients about motivation, many of them look too far into the future instead of creating small goals along the way.
These goals can be as simple as getting into a smaller pant or shirt, being able to run farther and faster without stopping, and or being able to lift more weights than they could before.
Once these mini goals are accomplished you can celebrate the accomplishment and then set another goal to work towards.
I often tell my clients to hang up a smaller size pant in their room so they can see it everyday when they wake up. As the temptations grow to fall back into old habits of eating, I tell them to think about those pants and ask themselves if they are getting closer or farther away from wearing those pants by the food choices they are making.
Whatever you choose to use as motivation, don't forget to make it your OWN. In the beginning you will find that you will get encouragement from almost everyone you meet. However, as the days and weeks progress these same people will not be there to lend you support as your improvement only reinforces their own unhealthy food choices. It is this time that you must rely on yourself to stay focused and motivated to complete your goals.
Good luck!

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