Monday, July 14, 2008

Finding balance can be tough at times

It is probably the one thing that I continue to struggle with in my own life and finding the proper balance between my running and everything else can be tough. I know that my scales are tipped slightly, some would say tilted, towards running. What makes it difficult is that I know that running is a springboard to so many other positive things in my life. I also know that without running I feel empty, and I know that something is missing.

To help with my balance, I've really started to do more strength training. Although I only do this twice per week, people have already noticed an increase in muscle mass. It's something that I have to be concerned with as I don't wish to add more weight. Looking leaner, though, has the illusion of being heavier than you are so I'm hoping to achieve this through weight training.

I've made a conscious effort to cut back on my running slightly to ensure that I have a long running career. For me, though, I continue to develop my mind, body and spirit through running. It's something that I can honestly say I've never experienced from any other type of exercise. As I continue to strive for balance, I'm sure my scales will need adjusting from time to time. Thankfully I have good friends who will help when needed.

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