Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year...New Hope....New Dreams!

I'm enjoying my down time right now because I know that right after the holidays, the gym will become very busy as most people pledge to themselves to get into better shape.

Unfortunately I've seen this happen all too often and most of the people who swear that they will come to the gym 3 times per week are hard to find by the time April comes around. Why does this happen? I really think it's because the people who join gyms in January don't realize that they need to change their lifestyle in order to truly see good results. Many feel that if they work out a little bit but don't change how they eat, they will get results. Once they figure out that it takes a commmittment to healthy eating and exercise in order to get results and keep those results, they lose their focus.

What I preach isn't a "quick fix" as there really are no quick fixes that work long term. Of course you can pick up a diet book and follow along religiously for a few months. Ultimately, though, these books are not looking at the long term implications for people. It requires someone to really look within themselves to find out what changes they need to make. This is something that many people struggle with.

We all have different "triggers" when it comes to food and until we can pinpoint what these are, no program will work. What excites me most about my job is my ability to really get to know my clients. Many of my sessions are not just about what kind or the amount of food they need to consume, but rather what is going on within their lives to prevent them from making healthy choices. It really doesn't matter if I have a good plan for them if they are not able to follow it.

My hope is that this year many of the people that join the gyms in January, or decide that this is the year for them to get in shape, really make an honest committment to improving their health.

Happy New Year!

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