Sunday, April 13, 2008

Isagenix update

With only one more day left of the shake part of the cleanse, it will be harder to switch back to doing the cleanse days tomorrow. As I've mentioned before, I'm using this cleanse to simulate how I'll be feeling on race day next weekend. Just as I predicted, the first two days went by incredibly well and this was followed by the 5shake days which again were met with pretty good success (I don't foresee any problems today).

Tomorrow will be another story as this will simulate my final lap of the race. It will be a time when I'll probably say, "Enough is enough already, I just want to go home!" It may also follow with a few choice expletives (LOL). With regards to the cleanse, those last two days are hardest because I know that I'm almost done and I also know that I have achieved great things already. However, I haven't completed what I set out to complete so falling short of my own expectations is something that I have a hard time dealing with.

During my run yesterday I thought about how many people I've told about my race. Part of why I like to journal is so I can keep my thoughts and feelings on paper/computer so I don't forget them. The other reason I like to do this is because it keeps me accountable to others. I really like the fact that so many people like to read my blog and have encouraged me throughout my training these past 5 months. I feel like I have a responsibility to not let anyone down. As soon as I thought that, though, I realized that the one person I really don't want to let down is me.

I really don't know why I've been having such a hard time sleeping this past week (at least I made it to almost 4 AM today) but I'm sure it's a mixture of the detox, and the stress of my race coming up so fast. I'm hoping that a majority of it is the detox because I'll be finished this on Tuesday night and I really need to get more sleep this week.

The plan is to run on Monday and Tuesday, hopefully Tuesday in the trails, and then start to carbo-load beginning on Wednesday. For those who may not know what carbo-loading is, it's a process where I will be eating approximately 300- 400 grams of carbohydrates per day(the equivalent of 10 medium sized bagels). This will allow me to have more energy reserves for my race on Saturday. I will probably burn anywhere from 10,000 to 11,000 calories during my race so it will be important that I start the race with as much energy as possible. As the race nears, I will have a more detailed report about my pre-race diet.

1 comment:

Angela Bailey Estep said...


Really like your website, found lots of intresting info. Keep up the good work!!

Cleansing is great in getting rid of the toxins to allow us to have better health....and Isagenix is the best!!

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