Thursday, August 02, 2007

A run, even a small one, is better than nothing!

Trying to find time to go for a run when you have other family committments, in my case watching my 2 boys, is difficult. Today was one of those days where I knew my time was limited and I only had about 40 minutes to get in some type of a run.

I was able to manage 8K and that gave me just enough of workout where I felt like I had done something. It would have been easy to just say that I wouldn't be able to run but I know that for the rest of the day I would be regretting that decision.

Sometimes the best runs I've had have been ones where I didn't have much time and I had to push myself to go a little faster than normal. It was difficult to push too hard today as the weather is not great for running. There's an outside chance that I may go for another small run in the afternoon but it will depend on how humid it is.

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