Thursday, March 13, 2008

That's more like it!

Talk about night and day. Yesterday I was clearly frustrated by the traffic and the weather and I'm glad to say that today was so much better. I managed to get my 10+ mile run in and was able to practice my race day strategy. I've been flirting with doing a 10 or 20 minute run followed by a brief walk. Both of these have advantages and disadvantages. Running for 10 minutes is good but sometimes it takes me a full hour to get into a running "groove." The constant walk breaks seem to break up this pattern. However, when it comes to the race in April, having more frequent walk breaks will probably help.

Running for 20 minutes allows me to get into a better rhythm, especially when I'm starting out but I'm worried that this may be too long of a run when I'm in the trails.

I'm going to take the next two days off from running and then do a 3 to 4 hour run on Sunday morning. The goal of that run will be to practice more run/walk strategies. I may run the first hour by doing a 20 minute run followed by a 1 minute walk and then switch to the 10/1 run walk afterwards.

I'm glad that the sidewalks were ploughed today so I didn't have to worry too much about oncoming cars. Ironically, in the only stretch where there were no sidewalks, I came close to being hit yet again.

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