Friday, June 08, 2007

One of the best 2K runs I've ever had

I took the day off from running as I had racked up over 80+ K's over the last 6 days. Instead I rode the bike for 40 minutes.
Later in the day, though, I felt like going outside and I asked my oldest if he'd like to go for a mini run. Thankfully he said yes and seemed excited about it too. We walked towards a mini hill I've called "death hill." It's about 500 M in length and has a slight incline. I had my Garmin watch on, which measures distance run, pace per Kilometre and calories burned along with a few other things. I talked to my son about these different categories and he seemed to be really excited about it. He wanted to wear the watch as he ran up the hill and of course I let him wear it.
When we got to the hill he was so excited to see how he could do and we decided to run up the hill turn around and run back down (1KM).
We both ran side by side and I was impressed at how well he was doing and that he was keeping a nice pace. We talked about his breathing and using his arms to pump him up the hill. When we finished the 1KM he noticed that his time was 6:44.

After giving him a high five and congratulating him, he said that he wanted to do it again. This time, I showed him to how to set the watch to run against a virtual "buddy." My watch allows me to set up a training buddy to race with and the object is to try and beat the buddy. We set the goal of doing 1KM in 6:50.

Off he and I went once again although this time he went out a little too fast. He had to walk a little bit on the way back down the hill but he was so far ahead of the 6:50 that he didn't seem to mind. He ended up finishing this 1K in 6:30!

After the run he was understandably tired and sore but I told him how proud I was of him. One of the best moments came when he told me that he wanted to do all the races that I've done. I told him that I can't wait until he's old enough to run a race with me.

The Mud Run is just a few days away and I'm already anxiously awaiting that day for the kids and myself.
Tomorrow I'll probably do a 10K run or bike for an hour. It's hard to believe but I'll be running a 50K race in just 2 weeks. There will be just one more week of heavy running before I start to taper for that race.

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