Monday, February 05, 2007

Well Rested

After having taken the last two days off from running, I ventured out this morning for a 10K run. I received a great email from a close friend who was concerned that I may be overtraining. I can't tell you how amazing it is to have great friends who are also experienced runners expressing their concern for my well being. I'm still very much a novice when it comes to running and those that know me best know that I'm someone who is not afraid of a challenge. Luckily I've managed to remain relatively injury free and I want to stay that way.

Today's run brought back all the memories of why I started to run in the first place. I ran because I LOVE to run. Even though the temperature was minus something, (when it gets this cold does it really matter what the exact temperature is?) I didn't feel it at all. I had my music on and a big smile on my face. I remembered all the great friends I've made since I started running. I was thinking about the amazing summer last year, which was by far the best summer of my life. I was thinking about the Learn to Run clinic which I helped instruct and wondered how those runners were doing.

Even though I still have my sights set on trying to qualify for Boston, I'm going to make sure that I have at least one run per week which is just for me and for fun.
Thanks Joanne!

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